Yes I know it's been over a month since we celebrated Tucker's 1st birthday! Life has been busy so better late than never I suppose! We had a woodland theme for his birthday which was very fun and easy to plan since my parents have woods on their property. Grandpa cut some tree trunks and we used those for the cupcakes and his smash cake. We also used some for Tuck's 12 months of pics. We had a blast and always feel very blessed celebrating our children with our families present! Hope you enjoy some of these pics!
The food: the tray in the middle we made acorns from mini vanilla wafers and hershey's kisses!

Tuck's little deer smash cake. He got pretty into it after awhile. Yes our little family of 4 wore flannel...I'm a dork and I like coordinating. That last picture pretty much sums up a lot of Tate and Tuck's life...the paparazzi haha!

I made Tucker's shirt using this tutorial

We used tree branches and sliced a little slice in them so they would hold the pics up and then spelled out Tucker is 1 in scrapbook paper. There is a picture from every month from birth up to 1 year old.

Another view of the 12 months of pics!

Tuck was worn plum out after all those festivities! He had a great time! Something little that I love about him...if you notice in this pic he has his pacifier upside down and guess what that's the way he likes it...if you put it in the right way he may keep it there for a few seconds to appease you then whoop he slides it upside down haha! Cracks me up! Oh yeah and some of you may have noticed I changed my blog name...I wanted something catchy and cute and guess where I got the name...yep you guessed from my 4 year old! He's full of funny sayings always has and probably always will be so the other day we were talking about all of the things he wanted to do in his day and I said oh maybe we can do that tomorrow to which he replied ok mom well we can do that the "other tomorrow"! Oh buddy I love you and thanks for filling our little lives FULL!